You can choose from a range of services for proofreading your academic text in German or English by native-speaking, academically trained proofreaders.
You will receive suggestions for improvement so that your text meets German
academic standards. We ensure that your language style is ‘preserved’ by correcting your document in track changes mode, so that all changes are transparent and traceable. You can then accept or reject individual changes in the corrected document. This allows you to retain control over your text—after all, you are the author of your academic text.
All within a legal framework.

• Spelling
• Punctuation
• Grammar
• Consistent citation
• Language style
+ Golden thread
+ Coherence
+ Plausibility
Basic proofreading involves checking and correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Standard proofreading not only involves checking and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation: We also check your citation style and make sure that you have cited consistently and according to the guidelines of your German host institution.
With premium proofreading, you will receive a detailed text check which, in addition to the aspects already mentioned, it also includes a golden thread check, i.e. whether your text is coherent, and plausible. We check that it meets German academic standards.